Any ideas when the documentary will be ready? New Blog: When I saw the t-shirt that designed to raise funds for Love146 I immediately thought of... elevator has stopped, which is a bummer as I am on 9th floor. Tannoy advised guests to leave door slightly open. But no evac. Phone battery dying... Fast lap time Soule 052:73. Enduro X Four frozen yoghurt stores next to each other(Jabirya) - Jump on crechat while it's hot: yes! Thanks! Be Virtual News est sorti de presse!

I am disappointed, but have to work on Friday! Can't make the 9am panel! The rest will still be there, and awesome. Join me at 2:30 sat! Hey How is it 'Gifting' miles if I have to pay $433.13 to do so? Why don't I just buy them the ticket straight up? It's cheaper Who will take the title of "Battle Of The Band ROCK BAND" ? will find out tonight at GVR come out! Big fight night tonight Catch our East Coast tough guys Team Mountain Khakis with RidleyUSA? Bikes and Reynolds Cycling wheels at the Sunny...

We're giving away a factory unlocked iPhone 4 at 2500 followers - follow & RT to enter! Public folders and Google Apps. How does it all work? thursdaytips WHAT flights? Port Authority NY/NJ closed its airports to scheduled flights 1200N LCL UFN. Hop GA to TEB, perhaps? wooohooo! go little bad girl Introducing introducing...Eliza Jo Leavitt. Our quartet is complete. HappyWednesday? ! Getting over the hump? Hopefully today will be a little less err quaky!

The FDA has determined that medical training is not required to perform HCG Dipstick tests.

Difficulty: Tolerably Easy


Things You'll Require

HCG test package Container to sample Medical-grade disposable gloves

1 Remove all contents from the box and confirm that the kit includes any jar of dipsticks also a color-change chart, and that is the expiration date is valid.

2 Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images. HCGDietHCGDrops.

Put on the disposable gloves. Dip the pad end of the stick into the urine sample and tap lightly to remove extra. Location across the cap about the container. Delay for 1 minute to see an intense color alter, the more intense the color change, the much more hCG is present. Wait for 3 mins to attest a negative test result, i.e. no transform in color.

4 Report the result on the requisition kind and return to the medical boss. Dispose of test stick to within receptacle for polluted waste. Return the test kit to proper storage, and the sample container to the refrigerator, or provide to the appropriate medical personnel.

Tips & Warnings

Kits are calibrated against internal controls plus the ranges -- or even the expected color -- may change in each batch. Check the package insert to attest any changes. If the test is past thems expiration date perform not make use of it, as the results could be invalid. Use all safety specifications, put on gloves when touching the sample or container. Dispose of all contaminated waste in appropriate container. Wipe off outside of container and ensure proper identification previous to returning to storage fridge or medical staff. This test is marketed solely for pregnancy testing and is not intended to weight control.


Pick out Medical Products: Pregnancy/hCG Testing Consult Diagnostics: Fact Sheet on beta hCG Pregnancy Test Kit. U.S. Food and Drug Administration: CLIA - Medical Laboratory Improvement Amendments

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/ Images ; Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images ;

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