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HONÓRIO, Káthia Maria; ARROIO, Agnaldo; SILVA, Albérico Borges Ferreira da 2006    

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Química Nova   Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO?

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Artigo em Periódico   8 Português

THERAPEUTICAL ASPECTS OF COMPOUNDS OF THE PLANT Cannabis sativa. Several cannabinoid compounds present therapeutic properties, but also have psychotropic effects, limiting their use as medicine. Nowadays, many important discoveries on the compounds extracted from the plant Cannabis sativa (cannabinoids) have contributed to understand the therapeutic properties of these compounds. The main discoveries in the last years on the cannabinoid compounds were: the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, the endogenous cannabinoids and the possible mechanisms of action involved in the interaction between cannabinoid compounds and the biological receptors. So, from the therapeutical aspects presented in this work, we intended to show the evolution of the Cannabis sativa research and the possible medicinal use of cannabinoid compounds.

Palavras Chave Cannabis sativa,Medicinal Use, cannabinoids,therapeutic properties
Link http://www.scielo.br/pdf/qn/v29n2/28452.pdf
Referência para Citação HONÓRIO, K. Et al. Aspectos terapêuticos de compostos da planta Cannabis sativa. Química Nova, vol. 29, n.2, 2006. p.318-325.