TWiki> PPGE Web>WebHome (04 Dec 2005, LeandroSantos? )EditAttach
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Results from PPGE web retrieved at 21:09 (Local)

CSS do Cabeçalho do Sítio PPGE #cabecalho{ width: 760px; height: 220px; position: relative; left: 50%; margin left: 380px; margin top: 30px; background ...
Contatos LeandroSantos 13 Nov 2005
CSS do Conteúdo do Sítio body{ background image: url("/PPGE/ImagensDoLeiaute/fundoPag.png"); background repeat: repeat x; background color: #c8707d; font size ...
Corpo Docente Alda Muniz Pepe, doutor, U. Sciences Sociales, França Ana Alice Alcântara Costa, doutor, UNAM. México Ana Cecília Bittencourt Bastos, doutor, U. Brasilia ...
Number of topics: 4
Topic revision: r10 - 04 Dec 2005 - 16:51:52 - LeandroSantos?
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