Difference: TWikiVariables (74 vs. 75)

Revision 7517 Mar 2004 - PeterThoeny

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Parameter: Description: Default:
"name" The name of a URL parameter required
default="..." Default value in case parameter is empty or missing empty string
newline="<br />" Convert newlines to other delimiters no conversion
newline="<br />" Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters no conversion
encode="entity" Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into &#034;. This is needed if text is put into an HTML form field no encoding
encode="url" Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22 no encoding
If set, gets all selected elements of a <select multiple="multiple"> tag. A format can be specified, with $item indicating the element, e.g. multiple="Option: $item" first element
separator=", " Separator between multiple selections. Only relevant if multiple is specified "\n" (new line)
  Example: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
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  %GMTIME{"format"}% Formatted GM time based on time variables.
Variable: Unit: Example
$seconds seconds 59
$minutes minutes 59
$hours hours 23
$day day of month 31
$month month in ISO format Dec
$mo 2 digit month 12
$year 4 digit year 1999
$ye 2 digit year 99
$seconds seconds 59
$minutes minutes 59
$hours hours 23
$day day of month 31
$wday day of the Week (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat) Thu
$month month in ISO format Dec
$mo 2 digit month 12
$year 4 digit year 1999
$ye 2 digit year 99
$tz either "GMT" (if set to gmtime), or "Local" (if set to servertime) GMT
$iso ISO format timestamp 2024-06-12T06:17:49Z
$rcs RCS format timestamp 2024/06/12 06:17:49
$http E-mail & http format timestamp Wed, 12 Jun 2024 06:17:49 GMT
  Variables can be shortened to 3 characters. Example:
%GMTIME{"$day $month, $year - $hour:$min:$sec"}% is
12 Jun, 2024 - 06:17:49
%SERVERTIME% Server time, is 12 Jun 2024 - 03:17
Formatted server time.
Example: %SERVERTIME{"$hou:$min"}% is 03:17
Formatted server time. Same format qualifiers as %GMTIME%
Example: %SERVERTIME{"$hou:$min"}% is 03:17
%DISPLAYTIME% Display time, is 12 Jun 2024 - 03:17
%DISPLAYTIME{"format"}% Formatted time - either GMT or Local server time, depending on setting in TWiki.cfg. Same format qualifiers as %GMTIME%
Example: %DISPLAYTIME{"$hou:$min"}% is 03:17
%HTTP_HOST% HTTP_HOST environment variable, is www.ssl.faced.ufba.br
Line: 227 to 240
excludetopic="WebHome, WebChanges"
Exclude topics from search: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma. None
Do a keyword search like soap "web service" -shampoo; a literal search like web service; or RegularExpression search like soap;web service;!shampoo %SEARCHVAR- DEFAULTTYPE% preferences setting
Search topic name (title); the text (body) of topic; or all (both) "text"
Sort the results of search by the topic names, last modified time, last editor, or named field of TWikiForms Sort by topic name
Limit the number of results returned All results
Sort the results of search by the topic names, topic creation time, last modified time, last editor, or named field of TWikiForms. The sorting is done web by web; in case you want to sort across webs, create a formatted table and sort it with TablePlugin's initsort Sort by topic name
Limit the number of results returned. This is done after sorting in case order is specified All results
reverse="on" Reverse the direction of the search Ascending search
casesensitive="on" Case sensitive search Ignore case
nosummary="on" Show topic title only Show topic summary
Line: 237 to 250
noheader="on" Suppress search header
Topics: Changed: By:
Show search header
nototal="on" Do not show number of topics found Show number
Custom format results: see FormattedSearch for usage, variables & examples Results in table
expandvariables="on" Expand variables before applying a FormattedSearch on a search hit. Useful to show the expanded text, e.g. to show the result of a SpreadSheetPlugin %CALC{}% instead of the formula Raw text
multiple="on" Multiple hits per topic. Each hit can be formatted. The last token is used in case of a regular expression ";" and search Only one hit per topic
separator=", " Line separator between hits Newline "$n"
Example: %SEARCH{"wiki" web="Main" scope="topic"}%
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    • Set MYLOGO = %PUBURL%/TWiki/LogoTopic/mylogo.gif
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 14 Jan 2004
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2004
 -- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 12 May 2002
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiVariables